We'll restore your violin to its full potential

Handcrafted Instruments

Shahram-Making-ViolinWe're passionate about creating the world's best stringed instruments that are appreciated by those who play them. We will work with you to design and build a custom, handcrafted violin, viola or cello so you have precisely the item you are looking for and can get the most out of. This service offers you the ultimate in customization at a surprisingly affordable price.

Repairs and Restorations

We are skilled in performing professional repairs on stringed instruments and bows. We take great pride in our ability to provide the finest quality of repairs, at reasonable cost to our customers. Free estimate of repairs provided.

Restoring fine instruments requires great knowledge, artistry and craftsmanship. Our restoration process ensures that the instrument will retain the highest value and integrity, as well as restore the original tonal character. We provide free estimates of restoration.

In-Home Trials

A musical instrument, like an old friend or family member, becomes an intimate part of a musician's life. Our in-home trial program gives you the opportunity to test one the instrument you're considering so that you can feel comfortable and confident in your choice.


We offer bow rehairing service. We use the highest quality bow hair to rehair your bow. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

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